Money is the fuel that propels your organization forward. When you understand what you need to know about finance and fundraising, you can put practices in place that will strengthen your organization.
Money is the fuel that propels your organization forward. When you understand what you need to know about finance and fundraising, you can put practices in place that will strengthen your organization.
FinanceA strong understanding of finance is important to make good decisions and steward your resources wisely.
Start here ▸ Propel Nonprofits provides an excellent library of finance and governance tools. More resources on finance ▸ Nonprofit Audit Guide (National Council of Nonprofits) ▸ Fiscal sponsorship (Candid) Take a course ▸ Finance 101 (Idaho Nonprofit Center) |
Find an ExpertDon’t see what you're interested in? You may find what you're looking for in our Business Affiliate Directory.
Looking for something more specific? We invite you to take advantage of our nonprofit helpline and contact us. |
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5257 W Fairview Avenue, Suite 260 Boise, ID 83706 |
Idaho runs on nonprofits.
The Idaho Nonprofit Center is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our mission is to educate, advocate, and collaborate in support of stronger nonprofits. |
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