STATEWIDE – COVID-19 Response Fund for IdahoThe purpose of this fund is to assist low-income Idahoans impacted by COVID-19 to remain financially stable by supporting immediate human needs not covered by government programs, assistance or other traditional relief programs. Please note, at this time grants are being accepted from human service program providers only. Grants to individuals will not be accepted. Priority will be given to communities and programs serving populations disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 in Idaho. Immediate priorities include services focusing on housing stability, economic stability, food insecurity and child care. NORTH IDAHO – COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery FundsLocal philanthropic, government, and business partners have joined together to create COVID-19 Response and Recovery Funds that will rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations at the frontlines of the region’s coronavirus outbreak in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. The funds are designed to complement the work of public health officials, medical providers, businesses and governments to expand regional capacity addressing the outbreak as effectively as possible. EASTERN IDAHO – Community CommitmentBank of Idaho and Idaho National Laboratory (INL), in connection with local nonprofit leaders and public health team members, have initiated a public, community commitment fund in response to coronavirus (COVID-19). Beginning March 23, 2020, any individual can visit a local Bank of Idaho branch and donate to the East Idaho Community Commitment Fund. This fund has been set up to help nonprofit agencies and community partners who need emergency, rapid funding to continue operations, and help individuals in need or solve immediate issues caused by coronavirus (COVID-19). Agencies are asking individuals to consider donating to the fund. Any amount helps and will immediately be distributed to local nonprofits with urgent community needs. BOGO - Newspaper and Online Ads The Idaho Business Review also wants to lend a little help - through the month of April and up to May 15. When an IBR advertiser places an ad, they will have the option to give an ad of equal value to a nonprofit of their choice: "Buy One, Give One" promotion. Do you have board members or sponsors who you think would be interested in buying an ad to promote their business and giving an ad space to you to promote your organization or Idaho Gives campaign? Logistics:
Call for Speakers The Idaho Nonprofit Center invites you to complete our Call for Speakers form to facilitate a 75-minute breakout session at our 2020 Annual Nonprofit Conference on August 31- September 2. Grants Galore In partnership with the New American Majority Fund at the Democracy Alliance, Resistance Labs is supporting innovative SMS-based responses to our new context. Our goals are to mitigate the harm that this crisis will have on marginalized communities, help build progressive power over the long-term and ensure the 2020 elections are representative.
Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation Inc. Each year the Foundation accepts applications from throughout the State, allowing organizations of all types to express their need. Each year those needs change, but we are consistently impressed with the good work these organizations are doing in Idaho. There are so many volunteers and community leaders throughout Idaho who make each community more successful. From after school programs and field trip bussing to providing breakthrough technologies to improve rural medicine, the Foundation has been able to aid communities throughout the State. Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants The purpose of the Challenge Grants program is to strengthen the institutional base of humanities by enabling infrastructure development and capacity building. Awards aim to help institutions secure long-term support for their core activities and expand efforts to preserve and create access to outstanding humanities materials. The program funds two distinct types of projects, each with its own notice of funding opportunity: Capitol Projects & Digital Infrastructure. Farmers Market Promotion Program The Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products by developing, coordinating, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agritourism activities, online sales or other direct producer-to-consumer (including direct producer-consumer-retail, direct producer-to-restaurant and direct producer-to-institutional marketing} market opportunities. A 25% match is required. District Grants and COVID-19 Projects Applications for Rotary Foundation district grants are being accepted now for the 2020-2021 Rotary year. The amount available to us next year is about $48,000. Clubs are encouraged to apply online at the website. Instructions and funding information are available at the district website in The Rotary Foundation section. Farmers Market Promotion Program The Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products by developing, coordinating, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agritourism activities, online sales or other direct producer-to-consumer (including direct producer-consumer-retail, direct producer-to-restaurant and direct producer-to-institutional marketing} market opportunities. A 25% match is required. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund for Idaho The Idaho Community Foundation, United Ways in Idaho and Idaho Nonprofit Center have partnered to create the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund for Idaho, which provides grants to trusted organizations that support and serve low-income Idahoans. SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to the Coronavirus The U.S Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). FEMA Application for Nonprofits All 50 states, the District of Columbia, five territories, and numerous tribes are working directly with FEMA under President Trump’s March 13, 2020, nationwide emergency declaration for COVID-19. Under this emergency declaration, and subsequent major disaster declarations, certain private non-profit (PNP) organizations are eligible to apply for funding through FEMA’s Public Assistance program. This fact sheet provides guidance for determining the eligibility of PNP applicants and work performed in accordance with the COVID-19 emergency and major disaster declarations. WIOA Title II Grant Idaho Career & Technical Education will have three distinct funding opportunities during the spring of 2020. Fund will be awarded to support Adulty Education and Literacy programs in the State of Idaho. Homeless Veteran Assistance The VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program provides funding for eligible entities to provide transitional housing beds or service centers for veterans who are homeless or at risk for becoming homeless. Hardware Grants Program Is your nonprofit in need of technology to help meet your mission? Free Geek’s Hardware Grants program connects qualifying nonprofits with free and low-cost refurbished technology. They serve over 150 different organizations every year. Rocky Mountain Power Blue Sky Program Awards Rocky Mountain Power’s community-serving customers in eastern Idaho are eligible to apply for funds to build renewable energy projects. Blue Sky community project funding comes from customers participating in the Blue Sky program and is available to help cover the capital costs of installing new renewable energy systems for non-residential, community-serving sites within the Rocky Mountain Power service area (Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming).
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