We're Halfway Through Idaho Gives!![]() It’s been an amazing first week for Idaho Gives and we’re ready to keep the second half just as great! We wanted to make sure you have the necessary tools to keep your campaign going strong. No matter how many donations you’ve received so far, you still have a week to reach out to donors and make important connections. Social media is a powerful tool, especially Facebook. In fact, right now, Facebook is responsible for 95% of all donations that come from social media! Make sure you read up on our social media tips and tricks to really leverage this platform. Some more tools to make your campaign the best it can be:
PPP Loan Applications Open on Monday, April 27 at 8:30 a.m. MDT![]() The Small Business Administration (SBA) will resume accepting Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan applications on Monday, April 27 at 8:30 a.m. MDT from approved lenders on behalf of any eligible borrower. This will ensure that SBA has properly coded the system to account for changes made by the legislation. Organizations are eligible for both an Emergency Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Advance AND a PPP loan, however, you can’t use both loans for the same purpose. PPP loans are available through your lender, and EIDL loans and advances are available through the SBA. Check with your local SBA office to learn more about how you can leverage the emergency advance. A Message from Amy Little, CEO![]() Idaho Gives started yesterday, April 23, and will last for two weeks. It is an unprecedented change for an unprecedented time. Now more than ever we can leverage Idaho Gives as an opportunity over these next two weeks to highlight your work, share your impact and most importantly of all raise as much money as we can for as many participating nonprofits as we can. Not only do we have a record number of participating nonprofits, we have the best local media partners who have gone above and beyond in getting the word out about Idaho Gives this year. We have provided dozens of Idaho Gives webinars to help our nonprofits prepare and we have lined up some of the best prizes for Award Pool Funds once again. ![]() Idaho Gives started yesterday, April 23, and will last for two weeks. It is an unprecedented change for an unprecedented time. Now more than ever we can leverage Idaho Gives as an opportunity over these next two weeks to highlight your work, share your impact and most importantly of all raise as much money as we can for as many participating nonprofits as we can. Not only do we have a record number of participating nonprofits, we have the best local media partners who have gone above and beyond in getting the word out about Idaho Gives this year. We have provided dozens of Idaho Gives webinars to help our nonprofits prepare and we have lined up some of the best prizes for Award Pool Funds once again. ![]() It’s the little things. Lately, I find myself slowing down and taking in the little things. The sun on my face. My granddaughter’s hand in mine. The long walks in the neighborhood. I’m not wearing my headphones on my walks anymore, as I like hearing the squawking of the birds overhead. I’m paying attention to the flowers beginning to bloom and the smell of the blossoms on the tree. But yesterday I cried. It seems like it’s typical on Sundays now – it’s my “new normal.” Sundays used to be a day of getting a coffee, taking my time at the grocery store and just strolling and browsing. It was MY time to just browse and hang out. SBA will Once Again be Accepting Loan Applications![]() The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the latest COVID-19 bill and President Trump is expected to sign it into law any moment. The SBA will begin accepting Payroll Protection Program (PPP) and EIDL (Emergency Injury Disaster Loan) grants and small business disaster loans effective almost immediately. The best way to find a PPP lender is to start with your existing bank or lending institution. If they don’t plan to offer PPP loans should more funding become available, businesses can search online for eligible PPP lenders or contact their local SBA district office. Check out our helpful hints on the application process and also our guidance on which program to apply for. Don’t forget that you may also qualify for FEMA assistance. Donations Now Open! ![]() Idaho Gives has officially started! Make sure you’re ready to make the most out of your campaign. Read up on all of the important steps here. Idaho Gives is just a few days away! Here's everything you'll need to know for the two weeks of giving. Good luck and have fun! Need help? If you run into any issues throughout the giving event, please refer to GiveGab's customer service. They are very responsive and have access to the back end. They are the BEST resource if you have questions. Here's how to get ahold of them:
The Senate passed a nearly $5 billion relief package on April 21, 2020. We anticipate a vote on the bill as early as Thursday, April 23, but will keep you informed as things may change.
Last night we sent letters of support to Congressmen Simpson and Fulcher to encourage swift passage of the legislation. More than 225 nonprofits and community members signed onto our letters. Thank you! We are the voice of the sector, but our voice is louder when we take action together. Webinar: The Nonprofit Sector - Planning to Reopen
How can the nonprofit sector best prepare for this? Join the panel discussion hear from legal, HR, Department of Labor and Central Health experts as they explain the next steps and answer questions. The U.S. Senate has passed the $484 billion virus relief bill today. The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote as early as tomorrow. We are closing our sign on letter at 5 pm MT today and will send it to Congressman Fulcher and Congressman Simpson as soon as possible. The package includes:
As a part of our mission to educate, advocate and collaborate in support of stronger nonprofits, the Idaho Nonprofit Center will be sending letters to Senator Mike Crapo, Senator Jim Risch, Congressman Russ Fulcher and Congressman Mike Simpson with the following information.
We are collecting support for and from Idaho’s nonprofits on the following topics for the phase four COVID relief bill that will be discussed starting this week:
We also encourage you to share this opportunity with fellow nonprofits in your community to ensure they have an opportunity to join in signing onto our letter. The Idaho Nonprofit Center serves as the voice for the sector, but your voice can be added to ours helping us to amplify our message. Nonprofits can and should use this opportunity to advocate on your own behalf. We are stronger together. ![]() Today marks one entire month since our Idaho Nonprofit Center staff were together in our office. I made the decision to close our office and move to remote work on St. Patrick’s Day. It is hard to imagine that it has been a full month. As my favorite meme says, this week has been the longest year of my life. We are in such a strange time right now, where the days fly by so quickly as we all rapidly respond to the crisis at hand in our own mission-centric way. And yet it seems like years since life was even close to “normal.” Perhaps that’s because of the added difficulty of adjusting to working in my sweatpants with teenagers and a husband all working and attending school from home at the same time. As Congress works on additional relief for individuals, businesses, and nonprofits affected by the COVID-19 crisis, we are asking for four specific improvements to the nonprofit relief in the CARES Act:
1. Expand access to credit. Helping nonprofits get more immediate assistance by expanding nonprofit eligibility for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and by establishing a dedicated funding stream for PPP loans to nonprofit organizations. Many in the nonprofit sector were either unable to get their application processed or banks told them that their application was not processed in time. As you have probably already heard, the SBA is no longer accepting new applications for the Payroll Protection Program based on available funding at this time. Additionally, the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and $10K advance program is also unable to accept new applications.
The SBA has assured us that they will process previously submitted applications on a first-come first served basis. We do not have a lot of information at this time, but will share what we know and what you can do. As Congress works on additional relief for individuals, businesses, and nonprofits affected by the COVID-19 crisis, we are asking for four specific improvements to the nonprofit relief in the CARES Act:
Expand access to credit. Helping nonprofits get more immediate assistance by expanding nonprofit eligibility for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and by establishing a dedicated funding stream for PPP loans to nonprofit organizations. Many in the nonprofit sector were either unable to get their application processed or banks told them that their application was not processed in time. Bolster charitable giving incentives. Strengthening temporary above-the-line charitable deduction from the CARES Act by allowing taxpayers to use it on the 2019 taxes, significantly increasing the $300 cap, and extending it beyond 2020. As nonprofits will rely even more on charitable giving from the public, it is essential that Congress creates a universal charitable deduction. Registration Closes TODAY Today is the FINAL day to sign up for Idaho Gives. This is Idaho’s largest event of online giving and now, more than ever, nonprofits need donor support.
Once your organization is approved you’ll be able to immediately build your campaign and reach out to potential donors. Since we’ve extended Idaho Gives, you’ll have two full weeks for donor engagement, You’ll also be able to receive donations from April 23rd through May 7th. WEBINAR: SBA Loans and the CARES ACT
![]() I find it hard to believe that it has been almost a month since I sent my first communication as the very first coronavirus case in Idaho was announced. So much has changed and so much is still uncertain. This week I want to highlight how we continue to support our fellow nonprofits and to illustrate what is certain in our world right now. What is certain is that the nonprofit sector in Idaho is stepping up and stepping in to lift our communities - whether on the front lines supporting those most in need or fulfilling your mission in new and different ways. Registration Ends Next Week The registration deadline for Idaho Gives is fast approaching. Sign up by April 15 to participate. Make sure to include your updated banking information and 990 for a faster approval. Other than funding, what do you need? As we start to look at the bigger picture of what you might need in the coming months, we created a brief poll to gather more information to ensure we're helping you in the most effective way. Our mission is to educate, advocate and collaborate in support of stronger nonprofits. How we, and you, fulfill our missions looks very different today than it did just one month ago. STATEWIDE – COVID-19 Response Fund for IdahoThe purpose of this fund is to assist low-income Idahoans impacted by COVID-19 to remain financially stable by supporting immediate human needs not covered by government programs, assistance or other traditional relief programs.
Please note, at this time grants are being accepted from human service program providers only. Grants to individuals will not be accepted. Priority will be given to communities and programs serving populations disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 in Idaho. Immediate priorities include services focusing on housing stability, economic stability, food insecurity and child care. Alexander's Advantage Point There is an essential word in the field of emergency medicine. The word is triage. “Triage (verb)—the process of determining urgency and priority of treatment based upon the severity of condition and the likelihood of recovery with and without treatment.”
ER doctors and nurses have certain steps they follow as they practice the art and science of medical triage—vital signs, responsiveness, severity of injury in one patient when compared to another—hard, quick decisions are made that promise quick treatment to one and the delay of treatment to another. Triage first. Treat second. Making the decision to trim your workforce in challenging economic times is never taken lightly and is probably the hardest decision you will have to make. Before you start the process or make the decision, here are a few steps to help along the way.
![]() Congratulations on surviving an entire week of sheltering in place! Monday marked day one of online school for my own quaranTEENs and the first Monday of the first full week of total isolation. Yet, I do not feel isolated. In fact I have been on more webinars, calls, and online meetings than I think I was when we were all in our offices together. In some weird way, I feel more connected than ever. |
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January 2025