So this is it – that moment you can't really prepare for, even though you know the day will come. It's the day when one of your team members takes that next step in their career, and that step is outside of your organization.
I never, ever expect my team to stay with me forever. Not only is that unrealistic but unless there's unlimited potential/opportunity in my organization (there are only seven of us, so no, there really isn't much) then it isn't fair to expect them to stay.
To further meet the needs of U.S. small businesses and nonprofits, the U.S. Small Business Administration reopened the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance program portal to all eligible applicants experiencing economic impacts due to COVID-19 today.
Hello Friends! When I began at the Idaho Nonprofit Center 4 ½ years ago, I had no idea what to expect, as I was new to the role, new to the nonprofit sector and even new to Boise. I was super excited to become involved with members, sponsors, and funders. But what I really wanted to do was to make friends with them all.
Hello Friends!
When I began at the Idaho Nonprofit Center 4 ½ years ago, I had no idea what to expect, as I was new to the role, new to the nonprofit sector and even new to Boise. I was super excited to become involved with members, sponsors, and funders. But what I really wanted to do was to make friends with them all. The purpose of this site is to help provide the best reopening information possible and support healthy, sustainable decision-making processes to best serve you, your organization, and your community.
For the most up to date information on navigating workplace reopening during COVID-19, please refer to the following websites: NATIONAL RESOURCES US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) World Health Organization (WHO) LOCAL RESOURCES RISK MANAGEMENT & LIABILITY
Earlier this week the Idaho Nonprofit Center’s Board of Directors and I issued a statement in support of racial justice and equality. In it we pledged to fiercely and emphatically embrace diversity, equity and inclusion principles as part of our mission and our values as an organization and invited our nonprofit community to join us.
We committed to the following:
I strongly encourage all of you to take a look at this course. Here’s a brief excerpt from the course description for your review: ![]() The Idaho Nonprofit Center’s mission is to educate, advocate and collaborate in support of stronger nonprofits. We care deeply about our nonprofits AND the communities that we serve. As an organization that serves the diverse nonprofit community of Idaho, we firmly believe there is no place for racism, injustice, and inequality. We are saddened and outraged by the recent acts of violence and racism in our country. We are committed to being a leader and working with the nonprofit community to raise awareness, and educate ourselves and develop policies and practices to better address diversity, equity, and inclusion. Payroll Protection Program Flexibility ActPayroll Protection Program (PPP) Flexibility Act was signed into law last week. Highlights include:
We received the following information from the SBA this morning and will share their rules and guidance with you as soon as we can. SBA Announcement on Upcoming Procedures as a result of the PPP Flexibility ActSBA, in consultation with Treasury, will promptly issue rules and guidance, a modified borrower application form, and a modified loan forgiveness application implementing these legislative amendments to the PPP. These modifications will implement the following important changes:
Gov. Little to Offer Back-to-Work Cash Bonuses Many nonprofits had reported difficulty in getting employees back to work after being laid off due to the additional $600 unemployment benefit that the CARES Act provided. We have been sharing this information with our state leadership and are pleased to share this news from last week. Nonprofits and small businesses both had the same challenge and our state is working to address it:
Recently, Governor Brad Little announced his plan to offer up to $1,500 cash to Idahoans who return to work. More than 60-percent of Americans who are out of work due to the coronavirus pandemic earn more with the enhanced unemployment benefits than their normal wages. The enhanced benefits are set to expire next month, making it even more important to get Idahoans back to work. “A strong economic rebound cannot occur without workers returning to a job, and the new Return to Work cash bonuses incentivize our workforce to get back to work safely. Like other states, Idaho went from record employment to record unemployment levels in a matter of weeks. Our hearts go out to those who lost jobs or income due to the global pandemic,” Governor Little said. The executive committee of the Idaho Workforce Development Council will discuss the plan next week. Under Governor Little’s plan, up to $100 million in federal relief funds will be made available to Idaho workers who are eligible for unemployment benefits during the coronavirus pandemic. Governor Little’s plan includes one-time cash bonuses of $1,500 for full-time work and $750 for part-time work and will be provided to the worker after return to the workplace. The funds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for qualified applicants. Governor Little will work with the Idaho Workforce Development Council and his Coronavirus Financial Advisory Committee to finalize the plan and eligibility requirements. More information on eligibility and how to apply for a Return to Work cash bonus are expected to be available by June 15 at Rebound.Idaho.Gov. Idaho was one of the last states with a confirmed coronavirus case and one of the first with a concrete plan in place to open the economy responsibly and safely in stages. Ninety percent of businesses were able to open their doors on May 1, and today nearly all businesses are able to open. NOTE: Cash bonuses are available to anyone who filed a UI claim since March 1 – even those who have already returned to a job since then. It is first come first served. To assist qualified organizations within the state of Idaho in acquiring non-medical/emergency masks, gloves, and sanitizer (MGS), the Idaho Department of Administration is consolidating demand and purchasing large quantities of MGS to distribute throughout the state.
For small businesses and nonprofits that cannot afford the MGS. If you’re one of these organizations, please complete the form and certify that you’re not financially able to purchase the MGS. Last week Congress voted in favor of HR 7010, also known as the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020. In short, the bill will give nonprofits and small businesses more time to use PPP loans and allows them to spend less on payroll costs, should the bill become law.
Right now nonprofits and small businesses have eight weeks to use their PPP loan and we must use no less than 75% of the loan towards payroll costs. This new bill includes extending the time from eight to 24 weeks for loan expenditures and drops the 75% threshold to a requirement of no less than 60% of loan proceeds spent on payroll costs. We will continue to monitor this new bill and keep you informed. The next steps remain in the hands of the Senate, whether they vote on this bill or propose their own similar version. Time is of the essence as many nonprofits and small businesses started receiving PPP funds in mid-April and the eight week window is rapidly approaching. Free Coaching - Members Only Receive FIVE hours of free one-on-one nonprofit coaching with a trusted consultant that best fits your needs. The Idaho Nonprofit Center is dedicated to its members and providing the support needed during this difficult time. We are currently accepting 20 organizations. Please apply now for your chance to get customized support. Leading your Remote Staff Learn how you can best lead your team to success while working remotely. This interactive session will provide tips and tricks for keeping staff members engaged and ready to fulfill your mission! Come ready to engage with the presenter and ask questions.
Board MEMBER Boot Camp Boot camp isn’t just for chairs and presidents! At Board MEMBER Boot Camp, attendees will leave with a better understanding of their roles, tasks, responsibilities and be able to identify strategies to increase board member engagement.
Job Opportunities Are you searching for a new team member or looking to start a career in the nonprofit sector? Our job board is here for you! To post a job opening for 30 days:
Census Car Caravan Idaho is currently at a 62% response rate for the 2020 Census and we could use your help to get everyone counted! Put together a Census Car Caravan to bring more funding to those that need it! A car caravan is a parade of cars that drives through a strategically selected route. Each car in the caravan displays census messaging to raise awareness of the 2020 Census. Please keep social distancing measures in place per the CDC and your city/county guidelines.
Virtual Nonprofit Conference
Although the landscape of events is changing, the information provided during the Annual Idaho Nonprofit Conference will stay the same! Join us online for:
Helpful Links Grants Galore Idaho Rebound Cash Grants for Small BusinessesIdaho small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities and the backbone of our state’s economy. However, the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has forced widespread closures of small businesses across the Gem State, threatening livelihoods, acute job losses, and imperiling the future of local establishments across our state.
Child care Emergency Grant In support of all Idahoans safely returning to work, Idaho Child care Emergency Grants are available for most Idaho child care programs that provide work related childcare; that are currently licensed by the State of Idaho or their city and/or currently certified for the Idaho Child Care Program. SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to the Coronavirus The U.S Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). FEMA Application for Nonprofits All 50 states, the District of Columbia, five territories, and numerous tribes are working directly with FEMA under President Trump’s March 13, 2020, nationwide emergency declaration for COVID-19. Under this emergency declaration, and subsequent major disaster declarations, certain private non-profit (PNP) organizations are eligible to apply for funding through FEMA’s Public Assistance program. This fact sheet provides guidance for determining the eligibility of PNP applicants and work performed in accordance with the COVID-19 emergency and major disaster declarations. Homeless Veteran Assistance The VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program provides funding for eligible entities to provide transitional housing beds or service centers for veterans who are homeless or at risk for becoming homeless. Rocky Mountain Power Foundation offers support for community organizations responding to COVID-19 Community organizations are facing unprecedented challenges and demand for vital services. Through Rocky Mountain Power’s charitable arm, the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation has committed $311,500 for immediate support to critical community-serving organizations in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. |
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January 2025