Other than funding, what do you need? As we start to look at the bigger picture of what you might need in the coming months, we created a brief poll to gather more information to ensure we're helping you in the most effective way. Our mission is to educate, advocate and collaborate in support of stronger nonprofits. How we, and you, fulfill our missions looks very different today than it did just one month ago. Credit Unions and PPP The Northwest Credit Union Association represents more than 175 not-for-profit, cooperative credit unions in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and more than 7.3 million consumers who chose them as their financial service partners. The Northwest credit unions stand ready to help businesses access the $349 billion in federal funds made available by Congress through the recently enacted Paycheck Protection Program. Save the Organizations that Serve (SOS) America Act* The charitable sector is on the front lines of addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, but risks catastrophic damage from evaporating revenue, new demands, and major disruptions in charitable giving. The recently enacted CARES Act contains many provisions that could benefit nonprofit organizations and the people they serve, but it must be significantly improved to meet the challenges we face.
Please take 1 minute today to tell your Representative to cosponsor the Save the Organizations that Serve (SOS) America Act. This bipartisan legislation would expand and make permanent the universal charitable deduction, while also ensuring that nonprofits are not left behind in critical COVID-19 relief programs. *Language from Independent Sector
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January 2025