Mission ImpactNonprofits are intricately woven into the fabric of our quality of life here in Idaho. I could argue successfully, with the data to back me up, that nonprofits ARE our quality of life. What do nonprofits do? They provide food, shelter, clothing, and health care for our most vulnerable citizens. They provide safe havens for victims of domestic abuse. They find homes for abandoned animals. They provide after school programming for children, of all ages, who need a safe place to go. They help our citizens in the throes of addiction. Nonprofits provide daytime care for elderly citizens with memory issues so their caregivers can take care of other family needs without worry. They provide support for military families and programs for Veterans suffering from PTSD. They help individuals with disabilities find and retain employment. Nonprofits provide endless cultural opportunities. Do you ever go to the Zoo? The local theater? Museums? The symphony? These significant cultural experiences are provided for our citizens and visitors every single day by nonprofits. Nonprofits fund research to cure cancer and other terminal afflictions. They bring awareness to important causes. They teach our nation’s future leaders before they even reach kindergarten. Nonprofits support sports for people of all ages. They host 5K road races and provide opportunities for all of us to improve our health and well-being. They care for the sick. They champion the humanities. They protect our public lands and support conservation. They champion the rights of ALL of our citizens. Nonprofits do everything for every member of our community. Economic ImpactBut we are more than our missions, we are an economic engine in our own right. Here is our sector by the numbers:
Idaho’s nonprofits are more than just our missions. We are jobs, we are quality of life, we are economic engines, and we are the foundation on which our communities are built.
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January 2025