Message from the Executive Director: January 19, 20172017 has been full of surprises already, I can’t wait to see what the rest of this year has in store for us! Each new year is an opportunity to reflect, make changes, and plan for the future. Here at the Idaho Nonprofit Center we are no different. We have been using our Nonprofit Needs Assessment from last June to reflect on how we can continue to serve our members and the nonprofit sector of Idaho, we have made a few changes in staff here at the Center and we’ve mapped a pretty impressive plan for the future including our signature statewide event, Idaho Gives. If you would like to review the needs assessment results, please CLICK HERE. We learned a great deal from both our nonprofit and business affiliate members about what we can do better and what we do well. In terms of changes, one of the biggest takeaways from the survey is that we need to focus on our members and continually provide the highest and best value for your membership dollars. It’s not enough for us to tell you we’re worth it, it’s on us to prove it. Over the course of the past few months we’re been working toward that end. If you don’t know all the amazing things we do, please join us for our second quarterly membership orientation on Feb. 1. It’s webinar style so you can join us in person or from the comfort of your home or office. CLICK HERE to RSVP. Another change is a shift in our internal structure. I am pleased to announce that we have consolidated our membership program and staffing structure into one amazing and unstoppable team. Keri Davidson has stepped up to take on a new role as Director of Membership & Development. Keri leads the team and will continue to manage and improve our business affiliate program.
June Dress has been our Office & Membership Coordinator since last summer and will now report to Keri to focus more on our nonprofit members in a deeper way than ever before. Star Brumfield will continue to support Keri and June as Accounting Specialist & Program Support. Her knowledge of membership programs is invaluable. I believe we have the A-Team in place here at the Center to truly support our members and deliver value to you day in and day out. Another big change in our office is the hiring of our intern, Evin Bask, to fill the role of Programs & Events Coordinator, a new role to the center that replaces the irreplaceable Erin Hutto, our Programs Director, who has joined another amazing nonprofit in town. They are so very lucky to have her and I look forward to watching her success in this new role, but please read her own words about this change. In 2017 we have set a very large but totally achievable goal of $1.2 million for Idaho Gives. In order to accomplish this task we have hired a new PR/strategy team, Gina Borud with Design Scribble, and Don Day, with Boise Digital Media. Part of our strategy this year in working with this dynamic duo is a focus on statewide media partnerships and paid and earned media coverage. In other words, we plan to buy advertising in key markets across the state. We are also putting a significant amount of time and effort on Employer Engagement. If you are interested in some of the strategy, CLICK HERE to view our online employer engagement form. We also have partnered with a new giving platform, GiveGab. In last month’s CenterView (insert link to that article) I detailed why we chose a new partner this year. They recently hosted a webinar (insert link to it online) to introduce themselves to our nonprofits, and they are hosting a series of webinars leading up to Idaho Gives Day. As you can tell, we’ve had plenty of time to reflect and plan (thanks in large part to Mother Nature) and even with some big changes at the Center we truly look forward to serving you to the highest of our ability in 2017. Thank you for your partnership and support.
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