In this Issue:
Federal Legislature Updates: PPP Extension ActAs of Friday, March 18th, H.R. 1799, the PPP Extension Act has passed the House and has arrived in the Senate. The passage of this bill would extend the PPP application deadline through May 31st, as well as give the SBA an additional 30 days to process applications. INC Needs AssessmentTraining topics, new programs, and advocacy efforts have all been shaped by the needs assessment responses. Help the INC decide what the future looks like and tell us how we can best support you! Complete the INC needs assessment survey for a chance to win conference registration and other goodies! IdahoSTRONG COVID Help Now LineAs Idahoans feel the many impacts of COVID-19, the need increases for behavioral health support and services. The COVID Help Now Line offers statewide support for anyone challenged by the stress associated with this global pandemic. COVID Help Now Can:
Idaho Nonprofit Center Celebrating 20 Years!“We have an important year ahead of us as we celebrate our 20th anniversary and plan for our next chapter of statewide growth and impact.” Member Highlight“The best grant writing instruction for nonprofit professionals includes the opportunity to write a grant proposal and receive feedback on it.” - Allison Shirk, Spark the Fire Grant Writing Classes Security Enhancements for Nonprofits Grant CompetitionThe Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM) is hosting a grant competition for Idaho nonprofit organizations to enhance physical security for nonprofit organizations in Idaho. When: Tuesday March 30, 2021 from 3pm to 4:30pm MST. Video Conference information (will be recorded and posted online). Meeting link Your Health IdahoSpecial Healthcare Enrollment Period for uninsured Idahoans is going on now through March 31st. During this time, any uninsured Idahoan who meets marketplace eligibility will be able to sign up for 2021 health insurance coverage. Individuals who enroll by the March 31 deadline will have insurance coverage beginning April 1. Your Health Idaho encourages any interested Idahoan to use the Tax Credit Estimator to determine if they could be eligible for lower-cost health insurance coverage. Call for Speakers: Nonprofit Statewide ConferenceThe Idaho Nonprofit Center is now accepting submissions to speak at our Statewide Conference, August 30 - September 1st. Statewide Conferences are an opportunity for nonprofit leaders to increase their skills and knowledge and find ways to collaborate to increase the impact of their nonprofit and the nonprofit sector. Based on feedback, the Statewide Conference will be hosted virtually with in-person components. If you are interested in being a speaker, please complete the form by May 14th. Cares Act Employee Retention Credits for Nonprofit EmployersAre you taking advantage of all of the COVID relief available to you?The Consolidated Appropriations Act signed into law on December 27, 2020 changed the ERC program and it is now available to employers who also received the PPP Loans and meet certain requirements. Learn more about who is eligible for the ERC, which wages qualify, how the determination of Large Employer Status is made and more. How Golf Tournaments Lead to Corporate Support for Your NonprofitForging relationships with corporate donors can be a challenge. The golf fundraiser is a crucial introduction to your organization, and a great way to open the door. Find out how you can leverage your golf fundraiser to attract corporate support for your nonprofit. Upcoming Innovia Hosted Events5% Transfer of Wealth Campaign, Nonprofit Orientation When: March 31 from 12 pm. - 1 pm. MST Or April 1 at 11am - 12pm You and your nonprofit organization are invited to learn more about the 5% campaign. We will be reviewing the data from a 2019 Transfer of Wealth study, commissioned by Innovia Foundation, which provides evidence that a staggering amount of wealth will transfer between generations in Eastern Washington and North Idaho during the next 10 years. DEIJ Corner“During World War II, thousands of Japanese Americans were ordered by the U.S. government to be incarcerated in remote camps. The order, signed by President Franklin Roosevelt, was meant to prevent Japanese people on American soil from taking up arms and bringing the war inside the United States borders. Today, that period is recognized as one of the most shameful in American history.” - Boise State Radio “‘Like African Americans and American Indians, Asian Americans were considered racially inferior and unfit for U.S. citizenship for most of our country’s history,’ Lee said, and the pandemic capitalized on that history.” - NBC News “‘I’ve rarely seen people who are more socially privileged be the ones accused of hate crimes,’ said Anne Oredeko, the supervising attorney with the racial justice unit at Legal Aid, a public defenders group. ‘Often what you end up seeing is people of color being accused of hate crimes.’” - New York Times Job Openings
Helpful Links Grants GaloreUmpqua Bank Charitable Foundation The Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that enhance the quality of life in the communities the Bank serves in California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. The Foundation provides Community Grants to eligible nonprofit organizations in the following areas: Economically Empowered Individuals, Vibrant Business Ecosystems, and Thriving Communities. Grants range from $3,000 to $10,000. The 2021 application deadlines are March 5, June 4, and September 3. Community Garden Grant Program Natures Path, through its Gardens for Good Program, will award grants of $5,000 to support nonprofit, organically grown community garden projects that help advance change in their local community. 21 garden projects will receive a grant. Deadline: March 24, 2021 Librarian Grant Program The Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (LB21) is now accepting applications to its grant aimed at providing training and professional development to library and archive professionals. Adaptive Sports Equipment Grant The Kelly Brush Foundation Active Fund awards grants for the purchase of sports or recreation equipment specifically designed to allow people with disabilities to be active. The foundation gives preference to equipment that provides some fitness benefit; however, it will consider applications for equipment that assists with an active lifestyle. While the foundation does not have a minimum or maximum award amount, grants rarely exceed $5,000 and the average grant is generally around $3,500. School Garden Grant Program The Whole Foods foundation has opened applications for its Garden Grant Program. Schools and non-profit organizations will be awarded grants of $3,000 to turn outdoor spaces into gardens. The program supports both new and existing educational gardens. The Idaho Community Foundation Project Neighborly - Idaho The Idaho Community Foundation is proud to launch an effort to foster inclusion and inspire neighborliness in local communities. Project Neighborly - Idaho encourages all of us to become better neighbors and create welcoming communities. You come up with the ideas, and a Project Neighborly grant will help bring those ideas to life. Low or No Emission Program Grant The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is now accepting applications for its Low or No Emission Program Grant. The program will award a total of $180 million in competitive grants in FY 2021. Funds will be awarded for the purchase of low or no-emission vehicles that use advanced technologies for transit revenue operations, including related equipment and facilities. The Idaho Humanities Council The IHC will be adding an additional Major Grant round for the summer of 2021. Initial applications will be due April 15th with final applications due May 17th. Please reach out to Doug Exton ([email protected]) with any questions. The Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation Each year the Foundation accepts applications from throughout the State, allowing organizations of all types to express their need. Each year those needs change, but we are consistently impressed with the good work these organizations are doing in Idaho. There are so many volunteers and community leaders throughout Idaho who make each community more successful. From after school programs and field trip bussing to providing breakthrough technologies to improve rural medicine, the Foundation has been able to aid communities throughout the State. Shuttered Venue Operators Grant Program The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) program will provide eligible organizations who've had a reduction in revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic an opportunity to apply for up to a $10 million grant. Classics for Kids Foundation The Classics for Kids Foundation has opened applications for its matching grant program. Through the program, grants will be awarded to schools or nonprofit organizations to support the incorporation of string instruments into music education programs. All instruments in the string family are supported (including guitars and ukuleles). Programs must serve children from kindergarten through grade 12. SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to the Coronavirus The U.S Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Restoration & Resilience COVID Recovery Fund The Restoration & Resilience COVID Recovery Fund will be open for seven (7) months, starting in November. Sponsorships will be awarded on a rolling basis to allow flexibility in the timing of projects and compliance with local regulations related to the pandemic. NEEF will review applications on a bimonthly basis and select up to 15 projects for sponsorship. FEMA Application for Nonprofits All 50 states, the District of Columbia, five territories, and numerous tribes are working directly with FEMA under President Trump’s March 13, 2020, nationwide emergency declaration for COVID-19. Under this emergency declaration, and subsequent major disaster declarations, certain private non-profit (PNP) organizations are eligible to apply for funding through FEMA’s Public Assistance program. This fact sheet provides guidance for determining the eligibility of PNP applicants and work performed in accordance with the COVID-19 emergency and major disaster declarations. Homeless Veteran Assistance The VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program provides funding for eligible entities to provide transitional housing beds or service centers for veterans who are homeless or at risk for becoming homeless. Rocky Mountain Power Foundation Offers Support for Community Organizations Responding to COVID-19 Community organizations are facing unprecedented challenges and demand for vital services. Through Rocky Mountain Power’s charitable arm, the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation has committed $311,500 for immediate support to critical community-serving organizations in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. USDA Rural Development USDA Rural Development provides grants for water and waste disposal facilities and services on federally recognized tribal lands, colonias, and rural areas that face significant health risks due to a lack of access to adequate, affordable water or waste disposal. Funds may be used for construction of basic drinking water and waste disposal systems, including storm drainage. Utility districts may also be able to provide grants to individual households to install indoor plumbing and connect to the system. National Endowment for the Arts Big Read The NEA Big Read is a community engagement opportunity through which grants of up to $20,000 are awarded in support of community-wide reading programs (virtual and/or in-person) that take place between September 2021 and June 2022 Kallman Digital Showcase Idaho Commerce, in partnership with Kallman Worldwide, is providing a new virtual opportunity for small businesses in Idaho to exhibit globally with the Kallman USA Digital Showcase. Idaho Commerce will fund a year-long subscription for a limited number of eligible small companies in the value of $2,500 each. Youth-led Community Service Grant
The Karma for Cara Foundation has opened applications for its micro-grant program. Through the program, micro-grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to students 18 years of age and under, in support of projects that benefit their communities.
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